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Monday, September 12, 2005

Katrina quotes

Political humor: Stupid Quotes About Hurricane Katrina. Sad because it's true. Some of my favorites:
"Now tell me the truth boys, is this kind of fun?" House Majority Leader Tom Delay (R-TX), to three young hurricane evacuees from New Orleans at the Astrodome in Houston
"We finally cleaned up public housing in New Orleans. We couldn't do it, but God did." Rep. Richard Baker (R-LA) to lobbyists
"Louisiana is a city that is largely under water." Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff
"I also want to encourage anybody who was affected by Hurricane Corina to make sure their children are in school." First Lady Laura Bush, twice referring to a "Hurricane Corina"
"I don't want to alarm everybody that, you know, New Orleans is filling up like a bowl. That's just not happening." -Bill Lokey, FEMA's New Orleans coordinator, in a press briefing from Baton Rouge, Aug. 30, 2005
"This is the largest disaster in the history of the United States, over an area twice the size of Europe." Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska)

Also, Late-Night Jokes About the Botched Response to Hurricane Katrina

And to Senator Stevens, Europe is a million square kilometers bigger than the US.

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