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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Why I can't vote Conservative

There's many reasons not to vote Conservative, plans to use the notwithstanding clause of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, embarrassing MPs, but the most relevant one for me is my local MP, Diane Ablonczy

In September 2002, Canadian Citizen Maher Arar was wrongly arrested in the US and sent to Syria where was tortured for a year. Follow that link for one summary of the story, but in my opinion it's one of the most shameful events of recent Canadian history. In November 2002 the media had started raising concerns, yet in parliament immigration critic Diane Ablonczy was in fine form:

Mr. Speaker, it is time the Liberals told the truth: that their system of screening and security checks is pathetic. Arar was given dual Syrian and Canadian citizenship by the government. It did not pick up on his terrorist links and the U.S. had to clue it in. How is it that the U.S. could uncover this man's background so quickly when the government's screening system failed to find his al-Qaeda links?

source, source

No evidence has emerged linking Arar to a terrorist organization. Ablonczy has not apologized for her remarks.

