A PHP IDE for me
At work I recently completed a search for a PHP Integrated Development Environment. I evaluated:
- Zend IDE
- Maguma Open Studio
- Maguma Workbench
- Maguma Studio
- WaterProof PHPEdit
- Eclipse
- Dev-PHP
- NuSphere PhpEd
- VS.PHP (Visual Studio plug-in)
NuSphere has a great editor, a fast UI, active development, an active forum, quick support turnaround, almost perfect code completion, easy project management, and a lot of little things done right. Not surprisingly, it was the most expensive of that list where some were even free. But in the world of development tools I think it's an OK price, and when you're a full time developer you don't skimp on the tool you use every day.
Most of my work is still on the actual RPM application which is C# in Visual Studio 2003.
Labels: Development