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Thursday, November 02, 2006

Powered by Thorium

I've mentioned by "thorium stocks", and I'm referring to a company I'm going long on called Thorium Power (THPW). The latest Newsweek has an article that provides a good overview, Clean Nukes Go Public.

If reactors were using this fuel, even if it were reprocessed, it could never be used for weapons. This technology is the only way to achieve three goals—produce massive amounts of energy for the world, not emit greenhouse gases, and not spread nuclear weapons materials—without making one of them worse.

Yesterday another shareholder and I had a conference call with Peter Charles, Thorium's Director of Corporate Affairs. We first talked about the stock price drop. Peter thinks it probably had more to do with the merger making so many stocks became unrestricted than any naked shorting. We also talked about some international work and learned that Thorium President and CEO Seth Grae will be in India this month meeting with the government. That's great because India has committed to becoming a world leader in thorium power generation. Here's hoping "my" technology will play a role there.

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