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Monday, February 05, 2007

Go Korea

I just finished reading the annual report from Korea Equity Fund, Inc. The richest man who knows my name suggested to me a couple months ago to move from oil into tech, so this is the only stock I've continued to buy in my RRSP lately. It originally made my short list because I wanted a fund instead of more individual stocks to add some stability to my portfolio, and I'd prefer to stay clear of the US on long plays (except THPW). This fund is fairly diverse, but it's largest holdings are in consumer electronics like Samsung, LG, and LG Philips LCD.

The most interesting thing I found from the report is that China has passed the US as South Korea's largest export market. The fund managers also reinforced my opinion that North Korea probably doesn't have the ability to arm any of its missiles with nuclear warheads.

Warning: Do not take investment advice from me. I have the luxury of treating the stock market as a learning experience at this point in my life. As Gordon Gekko would say I'm really just throwing darts at a board.

