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Saturday, April 28, 2007

Software for a new Windows computer

A family member has purchased a new laptop. Unfortunately, most new Windows machines require someone to set it up. This involves removing all the junk and installing some best-of-breed free software. Time to review my list:

  • The PC Decrapifier. I'll try this for the first time.
  • Foxit PDF reader. Just say no to Adobe Reader.
  • Anti-virus & anti-spyware... This changes all the time, but thankfully Tech Support Alert keeps an updated list of the best free software. I'll probably go with the AOL Active Virus Shield (AOL not required) for AV since it is a trimmed-down version of the best AV engine there is, Kaspersky (which I pay to use and am pushing my work to adopt).
  • Picasa. the best photo management app for the personal photo collection of the average user. Seriously, that's including non-free photo organizer software you have to pay for.
  • Firefox as the default web browser and I'll make sure the IE is 7.
  • This time I'll also install something to let me take remote control for future tech support. Probably LogMeIn, although TeamViewer looks good too.

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