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Thursday, September 27, 2007

Promoting fair use of HD cable in Canada

I want my HD Tivo.

The US government mandates that providers there allow you to use any box (Tivo, a computer, etc) to view and record HD. Here you have to use the inferior, way overpriced hardware from your provider. No choice, no competition. For Shaw's HD PVR you have to pay $700 plus a monthly activation fee. Because of competition in the US they give that hardware away with your cable subscription.

See the Drop The Box website and the Facebook group for how you can help.

More on this issue here: A frank discussion on Cablecard in Canada:

Well imagine that someone from the cable company went to the store for you, said “I’ll take the cheapest one with the worst features” and then forced you to buy that (for a slight markup of course). Wouldn’t that make you mad?

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