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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Blue Jeans vs. the Monster

Blue Jeans Cable Strikes Back - Response to Monster Cable

Not long ago we reported that Monster Cable had issued a cease and desist letter to Blue Jeans Cable about their Tartan cables. Little did the lawyer drones over at Monster know that Kurt Denke, the president of Blue Jeans was, in a former life, a lawyer by trade. Oops!

I really like Blue Jeans Cable and have purchased a lot of cable from them. They believe in science, engineering, and being honest about manufacturing source. Monster is the more typical cable company that uses hyperbole and mystery to sell the same hardware at far higher prices. There's nothing wrong with Monster cables functionally, just that they'll sell you a $180 HDMI cable when you would get the same result from a $5 cable.

So big Monster (the bad guy) sends a threatening letter to little Blue Jeans (the good guy). The little good guy is fighting back.

