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Friday, February 23, 2007

Non-lethal fun is the best kind of fun

First it was the Pain Gun, "Active Denial System", and now it's the Paralysis Inducer, "Aviation Applied-Technology Directorate".

In December, DailyTech reported on the USAF's Active Denial System (ADS) which shoots millimeter waves at human targets causing their skin to feel like it's on fire. The USAF likes to quip that the ADS has a "Goodbye effect" which causes its "victims" to instinctively run away from the source of the beam.

Now we hear that the US Army is working on a non-lethal weapon of its own to use for crowd control. The US Army has developed the Aviation Applied-Technology Directorate (AATD) which uses a 7.3 million candela strobe floodlight system to incapacitate crowds of people.

Don't get me wrong, if I could choose and had to get shot from something, I'd take a shot from the non-lethal option every time. But can you imagine if these were used together so you couldn't run away from the pain? Scary.

And I have to start using the phrase "Goodbye effect" in conversation.

And does anyone else notice the air force weapon is truck mounted and the army weapon is on a plane?

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