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Monday, May 14, 2007

Begging For Pledges

I am the Unstoppable Geek and I will rappel down a sky scraper for charity! It's happening Sept. 6.

Click here to pledge online

But I need your help to raise money. It's for the Alberta Easter Seals. Here's some event info. And remember, it's a tax deduction :)

Click here to pledge online

Alberta Easter Seals provides Camp Horizons, a camp for kids with special needs.

Easter Seals Camp Horizon was really fun. Also the kids were very nice to each other. We all had disabilities, and we all respected each other. I made some great friends at camp and I hope I get to see them again next summer. I felt safe and this was the first time for me away from home and my mom after being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. I had three favorite parts, the giant swing, horseback riding, and most of all, the counselors. They were really nice and lots of fun. I’m glad there is a summer camp for kids who have disabilities. We can just go and get away from things and just be kids and teenagers. Thank you Easter Seals. Levi Barron

