The Jaded Developer no longer works here

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Linux Desktop

I recently made my latest attempt at really using Linux. This time it was openSUSE 10.3. Due to my Aperture addiction I won't be replacing my iMac anytime soon, but I was hoping to have a nice laptop for web development and entertainment on the road. The result? Linux is still far too much annoyance and frustration and that laptop is back to XP. I have to agree with the Fireball:

It’s common for the Linux hacker set to poke fun at Windows’s wizard-style configuration tools, but the entire desktop Linux user interface is a pale imitation of Windows — much, much more of a rip-off of Windows than Windows ever was of the Mac. But the resemblance is merely cosmetic; functionally, desktop Linux is nowhere near as usable as Windows.

