Weapons of mass destruction
During the cold war the US deployed over 1000 Minutemen missiles. (the big "destroy any city anywhere" type of human innovation). To prevent unauthorized launch they were protected with an 8 digit password. Now the scary part, the US command didn't want that "limitation" to delay possible authorized launch so they set all the passwords to "00000000". And everyone involved knew that.
Scary, and true. (Link to article)
Related to that, here are 20 Mishaps That Might Have Started Accidental Nuclear War. My "favorite": The time US bombers were starting down the runway after a sabotage alarm was triggered. They were only stopped by someone driving out and catching them before they could take off. The reason for the alarm turned out to be a bear (number 6 on that page).
What if that jeep had been a few seconds too slow? Scary. Anyone else a Kubrick fan?