The Jaded Developer no longer works here

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Sea Launch Explosion

Sea Launch uses a mobile sea platform to out commercial satellites into orbit on Russian rockets. A webcast of yesterday's launch was halted and replaced with the message: "Anomaly on NSS-8 mission. Broadcast concluded."


No one was hurt because everyone moves off the platform onto the control ship before launch. Wise.

Sea Launch Rocket Fails to Launch New Communications Satellite

A commercial Sea Launch Zenit 3SL rocket disintegrated in a fiery catastrophe aboard its oceangoing platform Tuesday, destroying a sophisticated telecommunications satellite payload in a dramatic launch pad explosion reminiscent of the space program's early days.

Official press release

A Sea Launch Zenit-3SL vehicle, carrying the NSS-8 satellite, experienced an anomaly today during launch operations.

Sea Launch Explosion may delay DirecTV's 100 HD channels


Friday, January 26, 2007

A non-pilotless drone

Correct Me If I'm Wrong...: "Pilotless Drone"

Years ago I handled emails for a somewhat popular website (about 1.5 mil unique visitors a month), so I can related to the bizarre rants that some people have to offer.

I do not envy my close family members who are in the social services. I know that to them, this is nothing.

Update: Is Matt Groening Messing With Us?


Jade: a Bright

I've been mulling it over ever since reading The Crusade Against Religion, and today I finally signed up. Richard Dawkins is right, reason needs a voice.

Hey, any group with James Randi as an enthusiastic member has to be worth learning more about.


Thursday, January 25, 2007

Make War Your Friend, Part II

I don't know why I did a copy & paste of part I when they put it on their site. So for the second part I'll just link:

Make War Your Friend, Part II

First, let's discuss that word. Bush calls what he's doing now a War on Terror. Which is completely idiotic. Terrorism isn't an ideology, it's a method, a tactic. Having a war on terror is as ridiculous as having a war on cavalry charges or frontal assaults or commando raids. Terrorism may be defined as an attack on a society's non-combatants, with the intention of weakening their support for the status quo. It's a tactic that melds the political with the military, much as guerrilla warfare does. But what's new or strange about that? Clausewitz pointed out that war is nothing but the continuation of politics by other methods. Anybody can use terror, and most combatants do. We used terror extensively in WW2 with the fire bombings of places like Hamburg, Dresden and Tokyo, when there was no military reason for it. Terrorism was what the Phoenix Program in Vietnam was all about. Everybody accuses his enemy of terrorism. It only seems illegitimate when the terrorist isn't a recognized state.

All the newsletters are archived on their site. These articles make me wonder, "Am I a libertarian?"

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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Make War Your Friend, Part I

I just read an interview with Doug Casey, Chairman of Casey Research, in a newsletter I subscribe to (and highly recommend). I have to post the whole thing here, it's that good.

Q.: It’s sort of hard to know where to start. One day, the country was ticking along, the next, September 12, 2001, we were up to our neck in a global war. In the beginning, there was an international outpouring of support for the U.S. Now we are increasingly isolated. What was the name of the truck that hit us? Or, put another way, what do you think were the controlling mindset and principles of the Bush administration that led us to this point?

A.: First let’s look at who’s been pulling the strings in Washington. The Bush Administration is overwhelmingly composed of Neocons.

They’re highly ideological academics and intellectuals who started off as hard-line socialists but converted to “conservatism” because they were bright enough to see socialism is a one-way street to universal poverty. But they don’t believe in free markets for any reason other than they generate more wealth for the people in charge to allocate—pretty much the same pragmatic approach taken by the Chinese Communist Party. And they never believed in personal freedom. Political hacks are pretty similar, no matter where you find them.

The Republicans in the U.S. have always pretended to believe in free markets while they nurtured the warfare state, but they were quite sincere in their disavowal of social freedoms. The Democrats, on the other hand, have always pretended to believe in social freedoms, and sometimes mounted weak rhetorical attacks on the warfare state, but they were quite sincere in their dislike of free markets. It was logical that, as Wolfowitz, Feith, Perle, and the rest of them saw the writing on the economic wall, they’d become Republicans. The Neocons, in other words, take most of the worst in both theory and practice from both parties. They’re fans of both the Welfare State and the Warfare State. They’re dangerous people.

In addition, almost all high-level Bush types are either Zionist Jews or Fundamentalist Christians, in either case reflexive and zealous supporters of the state of Israel. For myself, I have no problem with Israel going about its business; but I think the U.S. should treat it like any other of the world’s 200-odd countries.

Of course the U.S., as evidenced by the approximately $4 billion of aid it gives Israel every year, plus another $1.3 billion to bribe Egypt to be cordial toward Israel, has long treated the country as something approaching the 51st state. Bush has taken this to a new level.

Q.: How do Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda fit into this?

A.: It’s funny, people talk about Osama bin Laden all the time. But nobody ever listens to him. This is very unwise, in that the single most important thing in a conflict is to understand your opponent’s mindset. Osama has said several times that he’s conducting his jihad for three rather simple and clear reasons. First, he wants foreign troops out of Islamic countries. Second, he wants foreign powers to stop propping up dictators in Islamic countries. Third, he wants foreign powers to cease their support of Israel, which he views as the usurper of Palestinian lands. These impress me as reasonable goals. He’s never said he’s fighting the U.S. because, as Bush seems to think, he “hates our freedom.”

Of course he loathes the U.S. and what it stands for, but that’s really got nothing to do with the actual reasons for his attacks.

The attacks were vastly more successful than Osama could have imagined—but only because of the Administration’s idiotic response. Bush immediately puts the world on notice they’re either “for us or against us,” then invades two small, primitive countries, neither of which had anything to do with the attack. This is followed up with all kinds of draconian measures at home and abroad—Abu Ghraib, Gitmo, snatching people on suspicion, the PATRIOT act, disregard for habeas corpus. Then, at least initially, the American people jumped on the jingoist bandwagon with their self-proclaimed war president and make a big deal of things like Freedom Fries. A hundred heavy-handed and pointless measures added up to convince people around the world that the U.S. had whooped itself into an out-of-control bully, undeserving of sympathy.

The U.S. likes to blame all terrorism on Osama and al-Qaeda. That’s because it makes the problem seem containable; it makes it seem as though there’s just one little group of bad guys the U.S. can track down and eliminate. That was once close to the truth. But now it’s just posturing. Today there are scores of Islamic groups all over the world, with similar worldviews and agendas. Of course they are all mutually sympathetic and try to support one another, but they’re completely independent. The way the U.S. has handled the problem is directly responsible for the metastasis.

Q.: You seem to think that Afghanistan wasn’t complicit in the 9/11 attacks. But there is a strong connection between Osama bin Laden and the Taliban, and even bin Laden himself said he was behind 9/11. So wasn’t some sort of punitive action called for?

A.: The first thing is to decide whether the events of 9/11 were an act of war by another state, or simply an act of criminality by independent actors. Clearly it was the latter. There’s no evidence whatsoever that the government of Afghanistan, run at the time by the Taliban, had anything at all to do with it. Is there a connection between the Taliban and Osama? Yes, of course. Osama was something of a national icon for helping to drive out the Soviet invaders in the ‘80s, which is why he was living there. But people forget that none of the 20 conspirators was an Afghan, and 15 of them, not to mention Osama himself, were Saudis. There was as much reason to attack Saudi Arabia as Afghanistan.

So we have an independent act of criminality with only an incidental tie to Afghans. And these are, incidentally, the same Afghans we armed and supported in their fight to evict the Soviets in 1980. At least the Soviets were invited in by the ruling government, as we were in Vietnam. Somehow we seem to think Afghans like our soldiers running around killing people and destroying property more than they liked the Russians doing the same thing. They don’t. The difference in political goals and the ideological distinctions between the U.S. and Russia are completely lost on these backward, religious, tribal people. So you can plan on the Afghan War growing ever larger and nastier.

Q.: Getting back to what should have been done…

A.: What should have been done if 20 IRA soldiers, or 20 Quebecois separatists, or 20 Colombian Mafiosi had done the same thing? It’s a crime, albeit a very large, spectacular and unusual one, but you treat it like a crime. The U.S. military is not suited for police work.

Few Americans realize that the Constitution provides for the issuance of “letters of marque,” that authorize private bounty hunters to bring pirates to justice. Outfits modeled on Pinkerton’s of the 19th century or Executive Outcomes of the 20th would be far more effective in dealing with al-Qaeda and vastly cheaper than a regular army. That, and less likely to invite retaliation against the U.S. itself. But who reads the Constitution anymore?

One interesting thing about al-Qaeda and its clones is that I think they’re indicative of the way the world is going to evolve. The nation-state, which is only an historical aberration in the big scheme of things, and a terrible idea, is on its way out. It’s going to be replaced by transnational groups of people who coalesce based on what’s important to them—religion, race, hobbies, philosophy, any of a million things that draw people together. Loyalties won’t be to a bunch of people who happen to share some government ID document, but to self-selected, and much stronger, groups. There’s a lot more I could say about this.

Q.: I think I know your answer this to one already, but why do you think the U.S. invaded Iraq? You’ve said that attacking Iraq for 9/11 would have been like bombing China for Pearl Harbor. So, why did we do it?

A.: Einstein said that, after hydrogen, stupidity was the most common thing in the universe. And I think that really is the best explanation. But Bush gave two reasons for the invasion. One, that Iraq was “linked” to al-Qaeda. Two, that Saddam was developing so-called Weapons of Mass Destruction. At the time I said that both excuses were pitifully transparent, even ridiculous, lies.

As to the first point, Saddam’s Baath regime was highly secular; the Baathists and the Islamic fundamentalists viewed each other as mortal enemies. True, they both had reason to distrust and dislike America in general, and the Bush regime in particular. But Saddam was precisely the type of Arab leader Osama wants to get rid off. The assertion they were “linked” is laughable.

The Weapons of Mass Destruction issue is more interesting. Anybody at all with some money, technical skill and motivation can develop biological and chemical weapons. Atomic weapons are more complex and expensive, but hardly rocket science in today’s world; the methods for making them are well known. My God, even North Korea, one of the most backward countries in the world, has done it. These things used to be lumped together as ABC (atomic, biological, chemical) weapons because they were unconventional. But only atomic weapons are actually capable of mass destruction. The WMD moniker was coined recently by the U.S. as a propaganda gimmick, to create an atmosphere of hysteria conducive to the war. It’s a stupid designation, but the press seems to like it. A classical artillery barrage, or a B-52 strike, is really much more of a WMD than chemical or biological weapons.

By the way, last November, there was a video released showing Saddam and his generals before the Iraq war, discussing the possible use of slingshots, Molotov cocktails and crossbows to fight back against the U.S. In the video, Saddam got quite excited about the idea of providing every Iraqi with a slingshot. So much for the scary WMDs.

In any event, was the fear of Saddam getting ABC weapons a reason to invade Iraq? Well, it wasn’t enough of a reason to invade Israel, India or Pakistan when they got them. The fact is that there are a couple dozen countries that could have a nuclear arsenal within a year if they wanted it. The nuclear weapons genie has long been out of the bottle.

And you don’t have to build them to own them. I’ll be quite surprised if some Russian general doesn’t sell some to a party with the right amount of cash. Or maybe some Russian sergeants, since they’re the ones who actually handle them. But the big danger here is Pakistan. The Islamic world views Musharraf as a stooge of the Americans. After he’s assassinated, the odds of which are very high, there’s no telling what will happen to Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal.

Bush’s rationale for invading Iraq has morphed from the Osama links and WMD’s to an altruistic desire to bring “democracy” to the Middle East. Like almost everything else the man says, it makes no sense. In the first place, democracy is just a means of installing rulers; it doesn’t in any way guarantee protection for free minds or free markets. In fact, in today’s idiom, it’s nothing but mob rule dressed up in a coat and tie. What I personally want is individual liberty, which is possible only with an extremely limited government, whose sole purpose is to protect one’s life and property from aggression. I recognize I’m in a small minority, even among Americans, who today view government as a cornucopia of all they desire and see democracy and majority rule as their opportunity to scoop out as much as they want.

But Americans, even though they’re pretty far from being libertarians, come a lot closer than the average devout Muslim, for whom the Koran is the direct and incontrovertible word of Allah. It’s not just the prohibition on drinking, gambling and earning interest and the other puritanical features that make the faith unacceptable to me. Not just the obligatory zakat, which, feeling as I do about charity (see IS 6/2006), doesn’t fit. Not just the ritualistic prayer five times a day or the pilgrimage to Mecca. It’s that Islam is more than a religion; it’s a way of life that submerges politics, philosophy, economics, everything. It’s not a religion that allows for much individual liberty; the word itself means “submission.”

Q.: So here we are, three years later, and the situation is a real mess, as you and others accurately warned would happen even before the first shots were fired. Humor us by describing how you think the current mess in the Iraq and then in the Middle East will unfold from here.

A.: One thing is now clear to all but the dimmest observers: the U.S. has lost this war, and the longer it goes on, the worse it will get. The outcome was obvious from the start, because it’s not possible for an army from the other side of the planet to win a guerrilla war. At least not in a politically correct way. You could engage in wholesale ethnic cleansing, the way the Romans, Genghis Khan and Tamerlane did, but, at least in today’s world, that would be counterproductive in any number of ways, entirely apart from moral considerations. Simply killing guerrillas serves no purpose; to the contrary, the more you kill, the more you get. And, as the statistics show, for every fighter you kill, you kill several non-combatants. And there you’re really sowing dragon’s teeth, especially in a society that has high chronic unemployment among young, unmarried males—which are extraordinarily dangerous and volatile creatures.

My guess is that the next U.S. president will try to get out of Iraq and Afghanistan. But it’s going to be harder then, because the U.S. will be in full retreat, taking many more casualties than today. The Brits and other members of the phony “coalition of the willing” have already bailed. From a strictly tactical point of view, it’s going to be much tougher than leaving Vietnam. The only portion of the Iraqi army that won’t have stripped off their uniforms and turned into the biggest jogging team in Asia will be the ones who are working with the insurgents. But, unfortunately, that’s the best-case scenario.

The worst case, and a not unlikely one, is there is another incident like 9/11, possibly much more serious, especially while Bush is in office. At that point, mass hysteria may take over, and the government will lock the country down like one of its many new federal prisons. If the Iranians are implicated, it may be the excuse Bush is looking for to launch an air strike against them. Now you’re looking at WW3.

A surprising number of Neocon types are saying that WW3 has already started. They’re not just saying that to make an astute observation; they’re saying that because they want the U.S. to actually broaden the war. The enemy is Islam.

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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

China: Superpower

Why China's Missile Test Is Troubling. A good Time article about how the Chinese recently destroyed a satellite. This is important because the US military relies on its satellites.

The U.S. dependence on its technological edge is considerable: Green explains that in recent joint exercises held with the Indian Air Force, less technologically advanced Russian Sukhoi jets defeated American F-15s when the latter were deprived of support from satellite and AWACs systems.

But where China is really emerging as a superpower isn't their military, "It's the economy, stupid". I'll let this humorous video explain:

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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Housing Bubble's Killer Side Effects

The main issues of the housing bubble, the credit bubble, the fraud, house prices, etc. get a lot of attention. However, there's other issues that affect home owners who didn't participate in housing speculation. Skyrocketing insurance rates and property taxes.

Homeowners challenge whopping assessments

The assistant state's attorney's modest waterview home on a half-acre lot in Arnold was valued at $281,000 three years ago. ... His latest assessment weighed in at a whopping $1.8 million, a six-fold increase in value, well above the average 55.5 percent increase seen across the county.

What happens when a state creates a budget using record property assessments, but then when it comes time to collect is faced with record foreclosures?


Monday, January 15, 2007

Contrarian Chronicles

I can't go a month without posting on the continuing credit bubble implosion in the US and A.

Home-loan house of cards ready to fall. MSN Money, emphasis mine.

This will, and should, take years to play out. (Federal Reserve Chairman Ben) Bernanke will yield to the Lobby and the Street, trying once again to lower rates and allow people to bail themselves out, while in turn allowing the buyout firms of the world to overpay for the companies they buy with easy money. The game is so rigged against honesty, it boggles the mind. I worry about our children having a chance to have a future, at this point.

Florida Downturn “Came Out Of Nowhere.” The Housing Bubble Blog has several posts like this a day from all over the country, and often the best stuff is in the comments that follow. I can't keep up.

‘After about two hours, a house came up for bid that I knew very well,’ Mr. Krecicki recounted. They put up the highest bid, which was $275,000. It was the same house Mr. Krecicki and a partner sold to Ms. Dresner for $435,000.

And another nice chart (I'm still trying to find my original source on this, forgot to when I saved it):


Friday, January 12, 2007

Why Sony Must Be Stopped

First porn producer to choose has chosen HD DVD over Blu-ray. On it's own I don't care. I'm not a devotee of the smutty arts, and, despite popular lore, the porno industry had little if anything to do with VHS winning over Beta. No, what concerns me is the claim by said porn producer that Blu-ray was the first choice, but that Sony didn't allow it. If that's true, it paints a disturbing picture of Sony deciding what is acceptable use and what is not for the technology. Imagine in a few years Blu-ray were to become dominant. Would Sony then ban Microsoft from using it in a future Xbox system? Would they allow some special features to only be used by movies from Sony studios?

I don't like the idea of a content company controlling a technology standard.


Thursday, January 11, 2007

Credit Cards Companies, Finding Ways To Deliver Evil More Efficiently

Tom found this little nugget in the comments of one of our favorite housing bubble blogs. (Emphasis mine, edited for length).

We have a Citibank credit card and pay it off at least once or twice a month, on-line. I paid it off completely mid-December, and when I checked the balance again on the Jan 5th so I could pay it off again, saw the due date was Jan 4th. The statement cycle started two days after I paid it off in Dec, so I was technically a day late. Called them up because the period between the statement date and the due date was less than three weeks. The call basically went like this:
CS rep: Yes, we see you pay it off multiple times a month, so our software recognizes this and shortens the time between the statement date and due date because of your payment pattern.
Me: Oh, you mean you guys are trying to trick us into paying late…
CS: Don’t worry, I’ll reset it, so your payment will not show up as a late payment, but the software will keep shortening your payment window as long as you pay as often as you do. You’ll have to call back in six months or so to reset it.

Software. Is there anything it can't do?



They've violated my favorite song! So, why can't I stop listening to it?

Q-Unit. A bastard pop 50 Cent + Queen album by The Silence Xperiment. What an age we live in.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The New Sherwood Newcastle Receiver Is Everything I'm Looking For

Forget Apple's new phone, for a couple of my colleagues and I, the big gadget announcement was really the Sherwood Newcastle R-972. Dolby TruHD, DTS HD, HDMI 1.3 switching, 1080p up-converting, that Sherwood quality - the hardcore-home-theater-geek forums are rightly hot and bothered over this.

It should be out in the summer and it should be available in P-972 form without the integrated amp. Around these parts we like our beer cold, our dollar low, and our components separate.

This may also mean an upcoming replacement for the Outlaw 990 since it's based on the P-965 (which I currently own) which is the predecessor of the R-972. For those truly interested, back in March I complied some background information on Sherwood.

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Saturday, January 06, 2007

Talking Heads Debate 2007 Home Prices

And I'm not referring the sensational California act that married punk and pop in an innovative way. Check out this Fox News clip (thanks Euro Pacific Capital):

Who seems more credible? the calm gentleman, or the two snickering lunatics who use loud in place of reason (a Fox News standard). If you follow this blog you know what side I'm on. In short, this record housing bubble needs more than the last few months to correct. As my countrymen put it, "You ain't seen nothin yet".

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Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Happy New Year everyone. For Christmas my wonderful wife got me the toy I wanted most, the new shuffle. It's really good, the perfect player for the gym.

