Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Monday, June 27, 2005
I think I ate too much salt & pepper squid
I didn't even know there's such a thing as too much s&p s. It's from Golden Inn, best in town. We're all at work late tonight setting the Wolf free.
And Lime Coke goes very well with westernized (deep fried, greasy) Chinese food. Is there anything it can't do?
Labels: Personal
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Rick Mercer has a blog
And it's pretty good so far. Canadian politics are funny in a sort of "pathetic" way, but I'll gladly take that over the US politics that are funny in a sort of "four horsemen of the apocalypse" way.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
New Top 500 is out
The 500 fastest computers. CNET's article on the list has a great fact re: progress:
The top performer is faster than the collective performance of the entire list of November 2001
Labels: Hardware
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Saw Batman Begins on Saturday
And it's just what I was hoping for (but not quite perfect). Nice to see it's already climbing its way up the Internet Move Database Top 250. Now all that remains is for Christopher Nolan to knockout Joel Schumacher on the red carpet and bring balance to the force.
Labels: Movies
Canada's new copyright bill
Yesterday as expected Canada got some new copyright legislation. The bill has some good and some bad, but overall is more on the side of record labels and less on the side of individuals. Law professor Michael Geist provides a nice summary of the reactions and his more detailed first reaction.
My biggest complaint is we still have that tax on blank media. Even if I buy a blank CD to store some photos, a chunk of what I paid goes to some musician. Are you unhappy about that too? The Canadian Coalition for Fair Digital Access has info on the ministers to contact
Did you know that the music industry already charges you a levy on most recordable media that you buy, like blank CDs, minidisks, and audio-cassettes? Plus GST and PST!
Friday, June 17, 2005
LG 125

Labels: Hardware
Satellite radio
The CRTC authorizes Canada 's first three
subscription radio services
Finally. The application was only made when, 2003? Oh well, better late than never. Of course there are Canadian content rules, but if they have to be there then they seem reasonable to me.
The best part, though, was that the CRTC smartly rejected the Canadian recording industry request for copy protection. The CRIA is as scared and confused as their American counterparts.
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Triumph, my second favorite dog
Triumph vs the Michael Jackson Supporters. Oh man that's funny.
Labels: Humour
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Thursday, June 09, 2005
PHP turns 10
If you held me down and forced me to pick a favorite programming language, I guess I'd have to say PHP. Well it was 10 years ago today that Rasmus Lerdorf posted PHP tools version 1.0.
I've been using PHP seriously since 1999, and it's been a vital part of professional career. Thank you everyone who's played a part in its development.
Labels: Development
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Nice week
- Apple announces they're switching to Intel processors - About time.
- At work Wolf (latest RPM version) is done development and in testing.
- Also at work, the previously wimpy flush of the men's toilet is now a mighty vortex of doom.
Labels: Personal
Saturday, June 04, 2005

With all the brushing and now her first bath today, Jenka is looking more like a sleek German Shepherd. That may have been the first bath she's had in her life.

Labels: Dogs
Thursday, June 02, 2005
We're partying like it's 1997
AJAX is the new web development craze. But why is it popular now when it's based on technology from 1997? Adam Bosworth has some ideas.
Never one to be out of hi-tech fashion, we're using AJAX functionality in RPM now.
Labels: Development