The Jaded Developer no longer works here

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Promoting fair use of HD cable in Canada

I want my HD Tivo.

The US government mandates that providers there allow you to use any box (Tivo, a computer, etc) to view and record HD. Here you have to use the inferior, way overpriced hardware from your provider. No choice, no competition. For Shaw's HD PVR you have to pay $700 plus a monthly activation fee. Because of competition in the US they give that hardware away with your cable subscription.

See the Drop The Box website and the Facebook group for how you can help.

More on this issue here: A frank discussion on Cablecard in Canada:

Well imagine that someone from the cable company went to the store for you, said “I’ll take the cheapest one with the worst features” and then forced you to buy that (for a slight markup of course). Wouldn’t that make you mad?

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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Megapixel Myth

Digital camera marketing is all about the resolution. 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, now 12 megapixel cameras are pushed as a requirement for good photos and nice prints. Don't believe the hype.

The best article for technical depth on this subject is probably this one by photographer Ken Rockwell: The Megapixel Myth

Joe Holmes' limited-edition 13 x 19" prints of his American Museum of Natural History series sell at Manhattan's Jen Bekman Gallery for $650 each. They're made on a D70. [6.1 megapixel]

A little more entertaining is NY Times tech columnist David Pogue: Breaking the Myth of Megapixels

It goes like this: “The more megapixels a camera has, the better the pictures.”

It’s a big fat lie. The camera companies and camera stores all know it, but they continue to exploit our misunderstanding. Advertisements declare a camera’s megapixel rating as though it’s a letter grade, implying that a 7-megapixel model is necessarily better than a 5-megapixel model.

But what about when you want to print it really big? He runs a real world comparison test on that very issue:

...We blew up a photograph to 16 x 24 inches at a professional photo lab. One print had 13-megapixel resolution; one had 8; the third had 5. Same exact photo, down-rezzed twice, all three printed at the same poster size...

...Dozens of people stopped to take the test; a little crowd gathered. About 95 percent of the volunteers gave up, announcing that there was no possible way to tell the difference, even when mashing their faces right up against the prints. A handful of them attempted guesses—but were wrong. Only one person correctly ranked the prints in megapixel order, although (a) she was a photography professor, and (b) I believe she just got lucky.

I’m telling you, there was NO DIFFERENCE.

If you fall for the megapixel marketing you'll probably pay too much, may end up with worse noise in your photos as some cheaper cameras do high res poorly, and you'll be dealing with larger file sizes. There's plenty of pros that need high megapixel sensors for different reasons. Odds are you do not. I don't, I love my 6MP Nikon D40 and so does Ken. In fact, he likes it more than the 10MP D40x:

Nikon probably added these needless pixels to the D40x to compete with the Canon Rebel XTi on banner specifications that impress innocent people, but do nothing to improve the pictures or usability. Camera performance has little to nothing to do with megapixels. I also own a Canon Rebel XTi, and I hate using it compared to my D40.

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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Maybe you used to draw on the wall...

... but I bet it was nothing like this:


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

What a shot! 'Incredibly lucky' find yields important fish fossil

A drilling crew here in Alberta by chance hits a 96 million year old fossil buried more that a kilometer underground dead on. It gets brought up with the rock core nearly intact. More from the Edmonton Journal and Everything Dinosaur.


Monday, September 10, 2007

Drop Zone Photos

I recently rappelled off one of the Sun Life towers in Calgary for charity. I was The Unstoppable Geek. I raised $1,900 and the total raised from the event was over $160,000.
Drop Zone


Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Cuban vs. O'Reilly

Add Mark Cuban's reply to an O'Reilly Factor producer to the reasons I admire him.

And to answer the question of why we distribute or get involved with politically charged movies ? Because I am a zealot that truly believes what JFK said and that I quoted in my last blog post. To paraphase, "A country afraid of the marketplace of ideas is a country afraid of its people". Its really easy to hate, its really hard to think issues through on their own merits. Anything that makes people think about issues is a good thing. I don't take sides, Diversity of information makes for more informed perspective and decisions.

